The Bold Concept

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Blood Brother Spring Summer 2018

For an era that chooses to use information technology to characterise our current leap in human history, I find the use of technology, as a collective theme, to be a hit-or-miss. Take Black Mirror, for example, which blew up (yet again) for its renewed fourth season before the start of the year. Its dark and psychologically thrilling scenes make it all the more gripping to the average viewer precisely because of its potential applicability to an alternative present or near future. And for this reason, it's a huge hit where even the tamest of the people I know have at least buckled up for an episode or two. 

On another equal note, however, I find technology numbing. As much as I find the great internet as a source of information, the amount of options can be overwhelming and it's easy to fall into a space where the end results involuntarily shift from obtaining information to feeling completely desensitized with distractions. Even though said from a very privileged point of view, I can imagine that millennials are not so concerned with the lack of options, but rather the sheer amount to choose from instead.

Returning back to London Fashion Week Men's to resume a full calendar of Spring Summer 2018 menswear shows, upon clearing what was the last of my undergraduate exams back in June last year, was an educational experience. With the ever-changing line-up, the common ground for designers to survive is simple to say: to create a collection that encapsulates a strong idea and leaves an impression. Yet, the competition speaks for itself.

Upon entering the presentation space, it was apparent why co-founders Nicholas Biela and James Waller of the British label have named the collection 'LOGIN'. Based on the modern day hedonist, where the pursuit of pleasure in the extreme would involve vintage Lamborghinis and elements of an unattainable lifestyle, there was a cheeky element to the clothing which made it memorable. Even with slogan tees that shout imperative lines, such as, 'SAVE ME' and 'PLUG IN', there was no sense of outcry for attention. Rather, and as confirmed by a second visit to the brand's press day, there was a controlled use of graphics which are then printed on materials including silky smooth satin and denim. This was one of the brands that have carried on themes from their previous collections, key in 'bum bag' and 'logo caps', and displayed a sense of cohesiveness. Something of which is increasingly farfetched for brands to maintain in this highly-competitive climate.